Mike and Rose Rosano gave thanks to Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice Staff

Press Release


DATE: November 22, 2014
CONTACT: Roxanne Debski-Seigel
Karen Ann Quinlan Memorial Foundation
Offices in Newton NJ & Milford PA.
EMAIL: [email protected]
WEBSITE: www.karenannquinlanhospice.org

front of home

PHOTO: November is for giving thanks and siblings Mike and Rose Rosano (seated) personally gave thanks to Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice staff pictured here; Events Manger Jennifer Smith, Director of Foundation John Quinlan, and Executive Director Cecelia Clayton. The donation of $5000.00 was from the estate of their late mother Rose Rosano. The Rosanos have been long time supporters of the hospice staff who helped both their mother and father during their final days. The Rosanos, Rose, Mike, Pat and Ray (not pictured) explained “If not for the Quinlan Center it would have been tougher times for us and them. Instead it was peaceful and loving.” The donation was a way to thank Julia Quinlan, the center and the dedication of its staff for their wonderful assistance during difficult times.

Posted in Press Releases.