You Are Not Alone
Serving Sussex and Warren Counties in New Jersey, and the Pike County area in Pennsylvania.
Frequently Asked Questions
For those who have lost a loved one through death, the center provides emotional support and education about the grief process for hospice families and the community. The professional and caring staff bring experience and understanding to help individuals and families through the difficult grieving process. Services include Individual Support, Ongoing Support Groups, Annual Memorial Services, Grief Lecture Series, Classroom Support Services, Community Education and Workshops. On-site support and training is available at healthcare settings, schools, places of worship and wherever people work. Referrals provided as needed.
Anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one through death; you do not need to be part of our Hospice Program to participate in any of our Bereavement Programs.
Individual counseling at the Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center is available if your loved one was a Hospice patient in our program, or if you a member of the community suffering the loss of a loved one. There is a fee of $90 per 50-minute session. No one is ever denied access to services based on ability to pay.
You may have an elderly parent that you see getting weaker and more dependent with the passing of each day, or a spouse, parent, sibling, child or friend that has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. You may know someone who is suffering from a form of dementia. These are just a few scenarios that you may have experienced, or may be experiencing, with a loved one right now. When confronted with these situations you may find yourself dealing with Anticipatory Grief. This simply means that you are aware, on some level, of the eventual loss of your loved one and are grieving their death before it has happened. Just as in grief, anticipatory grief can have very many different feelings and reactions, depending on the variables involved with your situation. Ask yourself these questions. Do you find yourself avoiding the issues, pretending that life is normal just like it was before your loved one became ill? Do you find yourself unable to have meaningful conversations and moments with your loved one for fear that it will be interpreted as trying to capture “what time is left” with your loved one? Do you find yourself avoiding serious questions, and avoiding the exploration of healthcare options, because you don’t want your loved one to lose hope or stop fighting? Do you find yourself having unbidden, or uncomfortable thoughts as you observe the physical changes in your loved one? Do you find yourself depressed and sad, unable to function at work or at home? Do you find yourself mad at your loved one for being sick, dependent, or for making end-oflife choices that you do not agree with? These are all normal feelings, thoughts and actions, when dealing with anticipatory grief. In some situations, you may feel that you are pulling away from your loved one emotionally. This too is normal as your mind is trying to make efforts to protect you from the grief that will surely come when your loved one dies. If you are not emotionally invested now, it won’t hurt so much when they die, right? Maybe. But it has been my experience, that you will feel the grief, regardless of any protective measures that are put into place. There is no avoiding the pain of grief, nor the pain of anticipatory grief. The best plan, in the event of anticipatory grief, is to prepare and protect yourself in other ways. Make sure you have a good support system in place. People in anticipatory grief, need to have someone that they feel comfortable with and can trust to be able to discuss all the thoughts, feelings and emotions that they may experience. Depending on what your loved one’s situation is, there are many organizations, support groups and counselors that specialize in that particular situation and with anticipatory grief. Call our Bereavement office; perhaps we can help direct you. Also, talk with your loved one, as honestly as you can and as the situation allows. Your loved one is more than likely having the same thoughts, feelings and emotions that you are and will welcome the opportunity to share them with their support system, which most likely is you.
Meet the Specialists:
Please click on image to read specialists bio.
Individual Counseling
The death of a loved one can be one of the most challenging, confusing and difficult experiences we encounter throughout our lifetime. The resulting grief and the wide variety of emotional experiences can be debilitating at times and may change often and quickly. Individual counseling can offer support and guidance in reflecting on and expressing your experiences during grief. It is important to be able to recognize grief and its impact on our lives and well-being so we can explore how to best support ourselves and let others in our lives who love us know how they can support us throughout this difficult time. Expressing our emotions and experiences also serves to allow us to externalize them which may provide some semblance of relief during a very emotionally challenging time.
Please call our bereavement center at 973-948-2283 to speak with a specialist with any questions you may have regarding our individual counseling or to schedule an appointment.
Coping with Loss Support Group
Adult peer support groups can be tremendous resources during emotionally challenging times. They provide an opportunity to share your story with others as well as to hear from others who have also experienced the loss of a loved one. While each individual loss and experience is unique, much can be gained from connecting with others who are also walking along this road of grief and to hear about what helped them and what experiences and obstacles along the way were most challenging.
Please view our Coping with Loss Support Group schedule here or call the Bereavement Center at 973-948-2283 to speak with a counselor with any questions you may have regarding our support groups.
Support Groups are open to anyone who is suffering a loss of loved one through death. This program is on-going, free of charge and no pre-registration is required. Please feel invited to just attend.
In-Person Coping with Loss Group Support Schedule:
Three meetings monthly –
- Second Monday of each month: 7:00-8:30 p.m.
- First Wednesday of each month: 12:30-2:00 p.m. (For the newly bereaved only)
- This support group is for anyone who is experiencing their first 13-months of bereavement.
- Third Wednesday of each month: 12:30-2:00 p.m.
Location: Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center, 5 Plains Road, Augusta, NJ 07822
- Fourth Tuesday of each month: 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Location: Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice (Milford Office) 200 Third Street, Milford, PA, 18337
- Third Tuesday of every month: 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Location: Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center, 214 Washington Street, Hackettstown, NJ
ZOOM - Virtual Group Support Schedule:
Coping With Loss Virtual Group Meeting

Support Groups are open to anyone who is suffering a loss of loved one through death. This program is on-going, free of charge and no pre-registration is required.
- Last Friday of EVERY month
- 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
- LIVE via ZOOM –
Meeting ID: 819 5030 3034
Password: 567892
Pet Loss Support Group
Our pets are cherished and beloved members of our families. When we experience their loss we do grieve deeply. Please join us if you would like to share your feelings with people who understand and care. Call the Bereavement Center at (973) 948-2283 for information and registration.
Coping with Pet Loss
- Second Wednesday of EVERY month
- 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
- LIVE via ZOOM – Meeting ID: 970-693-569 Password: 507635
Memorial Services
To memorialize a loved one allows us to celebrate everything they were to us while trying to find a way through what we have lost. Our interfaith Memorial Services offer an opportunity to remember, reflect on and celebrate all that our loved one was in our lives and what they continue to mean to us after their death. The loved ones of our hospice families are honored through a name-reading and memorial ceremony. Community members may also have their loved ones honored in these services.
Please call our bereavement center to speak with agency staff (973-948-2283) with any questions you have regarding our memorial services or to have your loved one’s name added to those to be remembered.
Movie Nights
Movie Nights provide participants an opportunity to reflect on and express their grief-related emotions and experiences using the storylines and characters portrayed in film. This program begins with a screening of a grief-themed movie and is followed by a mutual-aid support group to reflect on ways the attendees identified with the characters and/or scenes within the film. Please call our bereavement center to speak with agency staff (973-948-2283) with any questions you may have regarding our movie nights or to receive instructions on how to register for the next one.