As your Local and Independent Hospice Leader, our hearts are
in the right place…with you, wherever you call home. Hospice Specialists since 1980.


Finding support is a way to experience grief with the potential to cope
and gain strength.


A unique home-like setting with expert clinical care for our hospice patients who
can no longer remain in his
or her home. A special place
for your loved ones.


Quinlan Palliative Care

Person-centered , goal-directed care that treats the whole person by focusing on what is important to a particular patient and his or her loved ones.

Charitable Service

Become part of the spirit of Hospice. Share love, dignity and comfort to those facing end of life. 

Latest News

Click the image for more information about our Navigators - End-of-Life Doula Program. We are here to help your family navigate end-of-life decisions.

Six Months or Longer

Former President Jimmy Carter died recently at the age of 100 after being on Hospice care for nearly two years. How can that be? According to Medicare guidelines, to qualify for hospice under Medicare a patient must have a prognosis of six months or less to live if the disease runs its normal course. What if a patient lives longer then six months… won’t they lose hospice care? Not necessarily. Hospice patients and families can

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FREE Workshop! Supporting Life’s Final Chapter: Becoming a Death/End of Doula

🌟 Supporting Life’s Final Chapter: Becoming a Death/End of Life Doula🌟 Are you curious about the profound and meaningful work of a death/end-of-life doula? This workshop is your opportunity to explore this transformative path and discover if it resonates with your passion and purpose. ✨ What is a Death/End-of-Life Doula, and what do they do? ✨ Are doulas new? ✨ How are doulas different from hospice care? ✨ Why do we need doulas if we

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In Their Own Words...

We want to express our gratitude for the professional and compassionate care that our mom received from all the personnel at Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice. From the day of admission until Mom’s death, we felt support and guidance for Mom and for our entire family. The communities of Sussex and Warren Counties are truly blessed to have the services of the hospice. Our family is extremely grateful that you were there when we needed you. Please let us know what we can do to support your mission in th… Read more
A hospice family member

Your gift stays and works in our community and forwards the mission to provide the comfort and care needed for our loved ones facing end of life. 

If you have ever asked yourself the questions…”What can I do to help?” The answer is plenty. Learn more about all of our opportunities to become a  volunteer.

Karen Ann Quinlan Center of Hope Hospice and Karen Ann Quinlan Charitable Foundation have achieved the 2024 Platinum Seal of Transparency Seal with Candid! The Platinum Seal of Transparency indicates that both Foundations share clear and important information with the public about our goals, strategies, capabilities, achievements and progress indicators that highlight the difference our foundations make to those whom we serve. Now, you can support our work with trust and confidence by viewing our #NonprofitProfile by clicking here