We would like to thank Subaru World of Newton – a member of the World Auto Group for their generous support of the Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice Mission. As recipients of this year’s “Share the Love” campaign, Chris Dexter, general manager, presented a check for $16,685 to Julia Quinlan at a ceremony held today at the dealership. Thank you!..and thanks to everyone who bought a Subaru during the promotional period.
A: When facing a life-limiting illness
many patients worry about who will take care of their beloved pets once they
are gone.
Having a plan in place can help ease some of the worry
and anxiety. Some options include: a will provision, a pet trust, a DIY pet
protection agreement or an informal agreement with a family member or friend.
Every year between five and seven million companion
animals enter animal shelters due to the death of their owners, reports the
American Human Association. Of these, approximately three to four million are
euthanized (60% of dogs and 70% of cats) when adequate homes cannot be found
for them. Older pet owners usually have older pets that can be hard to find
adoptive homes for.
Placing a pet in a shelter who has spent most of its life
in a loving home, sharing a bed, sitting on the couch surrounded by its toys
and memories can be very stressful to the pet. If no provisions have been made
and no family or friends are able to step forward and care for the pet, a
“no-kill” pet rescue organization like Father John’s Animal House in Lafayette can
be an option to help the pet find a new home.
If you are caring for a pet whose owner has already died
it’s important to evaluate if you have the financial means, space or time to
take care of the pet. Also, find out if there are any provisions made for the
pet in the owners will. These provisions can be helpful in providing
financially for a pet’s care over the long-term.
Also, since a will goes
into effect only upon your death, it cannot provide care for your pets if you
become seriously ill.
A pet trust is a legal process that transfers ownership
of your pets to a trust, which includes instructions for their care and money
to pay for it. You name a caregiver, and you appoint a trustee to oversee that
care and any related expenses. If you do not name a caregiver and trustee, the
State of New Jersey will do so. Pet trusts are valid in the state of New
If you opt for a living pet
trust, as opposed to one that kicks in after you die, you provide for your pets
if you become unable to care for them because of serious illness.
A DIY Pet Protection Agreement like the one available through
LegalZoom, is valid in all states. This legal document allows you to specify a
caregiver for your pets and leave money for their care. A Pet Protection
Agreement is a contract between the pet owner and the pet guardian. The
signature of both parties on the agreement makes it legal.
can also set up an informal arrangement with a trusted family member or friend
to take your pets when you die. It cost nothing to come to such an arrangement.
You should make sure all family members and friends know about the agreement
and will not put up a fight for your pets too. With this type of agreement, you
have no control over the care of your pets after you die.
Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice sponsoring an “Our Pet, Advance Care Planning” Workshop on Friday, May 3, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the Senior Life Center at SCCC. This FREE, informative workshop will host a panel of experts to review how to make sure your wishes for your pet are carried out if you are no longer with us. It will also cover topics on how to care for a pet who is facing a life-limiting illness, how to cope with your anticipatory grief and some options for honoring and memorializing your pet when they pass away. Those interested can register online at karenannquinlanhospice.org/OurPets or call 973-383-0115 ext. 145.
The winning Hospice Honors 2019 winning number is717. If you have the event journal with this number call John Quinlan at 973-383-0115 to claim your prize!
Paper shredding or document destruction is critical for safe keeping confidential and sensitive information. Most of us create and keep files with sensitive content; examples of which are bills, financial statements, marketing plans, employee files, and even delivery packages. Join us this Saturday 4/13 for the SK Paper shred fundraiser at Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice located on 99 Sparta Avenue in Newton. The event runs from 9a – Noon. The cost is $6 per grocery sized bag. Bags can be purchased in advance for $5 at our office. Office hours are 8:30a – 4:30p Monday – Friday.
Businesses are welcome to participate!
There are laws that penalize improper disposal of documents with sensitive and confidential content. Organizations that hold personal data but neglect to protect it face financial and legal consequences. Employers for example use paper shredding services to get rid of employee files which are no longer in use.
Shredded paper gets recycled!
Numerous trees are cut down in order to make paper. To protect forests, people advocate a “paperless society”, and only use paper as a last resort. Reusing and recycling strips and bits from paper shredding machines is also another method of preserving forests.
Keep your personal information safe!
Identity theft cases are prevalent, and increasingly becoming a huge threat with the advent of the Internet. It’s considered ‘best practice’ for organizations and individuals to shred mail and delivery boxes to avoid identity theft and fraud.
It’s time to Spring clean!
Piles of papers cause clutter and increase the risks of fire. Offices need to constantly get rid of these papers as part of an organization-wide records management system. At home, clear away some of that clutter and paper to make space for something meaningful to you and your family.