The month of November is National Hospice Month. Since 1993 Dr. Edward Tirpack has been hosting Dental Day for Hospice with the Friends of Hospice. This annual event celebrates the amazing work of the Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice. This year, Dr. Tirpack and Dr. Gilbert Tapia along with their highly-skilled dental team will once again host Dental Day for Hospice. They will be donating the proceeds from dental procedures provided on Monday, November 11, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m to the Friends of Hospice. Sparta Dental Designs is located at 16 Lafayette Road in Sparta. During this event donations will be accepted; 50/50 raffle tickets will be available for purchase and the Friends of Hospice volunteers will be in the Sparta Dental Designs living room to answer your questions about hospice. There will also be give-aways and light refreshments served.
Dr. and Mrs. Tirpack have been longtime champions of the hospice mission serving as board members, committee chairs and volunteers committed to raising funds and awareness for hospice care. “Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is a not-for-profit organization and they will treat any patient regardless of their ability to pay,” said Dr. Tirpack, “That’s what inspires me. I hope to make the community aware of their outstanding hospice care and what services are in place to support patients and their family members.” Celebrating their dedication to Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice, Sparta Dental Designs was the first recipient of the Heart of Hospice Award in 2012. With any event, corporate support is always a winning recipe to ensure success. Benco Dental, a full-service dental distributor, has been the longtime event sponsor for Dental Day for Hospice under the leadership and personal contributions of territory representative Preston Hay.
“The commitment to Dental Day for Hospice from the doctors and the Sparta Dental Designs team is truly appreciated and has helped many patients and family members throughout Sussex and Warren Counties in New Jersey and Pike County, Pennsylvania from the revenue it has generated since its inception in 1993,” stated Lisa O’Hara, President of Friends of Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice. To secure an appointment for Dental Day for Hospice, please call Sparta Dental Designs at 973-729-2113. More information about Sparta Dental Designs can be found at www.SpartaDentalDesigns.com or like them on Facebook.
The Karen Ann Quinlan Memorial Foundation is passionately dedicated to providing Hospice care for the terminally ill and bereavement counseling for those who have lost loved ones.
Please call 800-882-1117 to reach all of our services at:
Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice at 99 Sparta Avenue, Newton, NJ
Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice at 104 Bennett Avenue, Milford, PA
Karen Ann Quinlan Home for Hospice in Fredon, NJ – an award winning hospice care facility!
The Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center at 5 Plains Road, Augusta, NJ with satellite offices in Pike and Warren Counties.
For further information regarding hospice programs, bereavement programs, memorial or celebration events and much more, visit:
www.KarenAnnQuinlanHospice.org or follow on Facebook.com/KarenAnnQuinlanHospice.org.
Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is an independently owned, not-for-profit hospice program and proud to be the preferred hospice provider for Newton Medical Center and the Atlantic Health Care System.