
What does Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice mean to you?

Karen Ann Quinlan is celebrating 40 years serving the community and we want to hear from you! We are asking staff, volunteers, board members and the community to submit an essay, 200 words or less, or video telling us what Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice and/or celebrating 40 years of serving the community means to you. KAQ STRONG!

You can include a personal story or antidote that changed the way you think of Hospice or just a congratulations to Julia on the 40th Anniversary.

The essay and/or video will be featured on our social media pages and may appear in our newspaper ad series.

We don’t need a professionally filmed, Oscar worthy clip…just you, speaking from the heart.

If you have any questions or need assistance with technical stuff call Lee Ellison at 973-600-5442 or 973-383-0115. You can use the form below or simply email your video or essay to [email protected]. Thanks in advance for your participation.

  • Make sure your video is no longer than 1 minute. File cannot be more than 10 megabytes, mp3, wma, mpg and avi format

    • Use your phone or mobile devices to record your video
    • Click on the Choose file button below
    • Find your file in your camera roll or saved on your phone or computer
    • Upload your video
    • For written essay – just email to
      [email protected]
      or use the comments section below.

    Thanks for your help with this!

In your video please be sure to introduce yourself, state your position and how many years you have worked for the organization.

  • Submission implies consent to use your personal story and/or likeness in a photograph, silhouette, performance, video, poses, acts, plays, appearances, voice and physical likeness for unlimited distribution in any and all of its publication processes, whether electronic, print, digital, or electronic publishing via the Internet, without payment or any other consideration.

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