Kittatinny Softball Team delivers thoughtful “Thinking of You” cards

The ATHLETES and COACHES of the Kittatinny Softball Team look for ways to give back to the community.  Last season, they participated in softball games and/or tournaments that directly benefited Pediatric Cancer.

As a team last season, they were able to get all of the spring teams at Kittatinny to buy into the community imitative and participate in the Lace Up for Pediatric Cancer.  Not only did the Kittatinny Teams participate but their opponents did as well.  For these charity games, each player purchased  a set of GOLD laces and wore the laces in their cleats for their designated game(s).  The proceeds raised from these games went to benefit a local family in NJ.  They also played in a Strike Out Cancer benefit game for St. Judes Pediatric Cancer for our final game of the season.

As they went into the 2020 softball season their team was set to play in more charity games, but COVID threw them a curveball.  With the spring seasons currently on hold, they wanted to find other ways in which they could make a difference.  As a team they created and posted a “Thank You Video To those on the Frontlines,” to let them know that their efforts and passion to help others was truly appreciated This video can be found on Twitter at @HMateSoftball and on Instagram at heather.mate.

Their next team inspired initiative was a “Thinking Of You Box.”  The team expressed that while the current situation has been tough everyone, they knew that it was extremely difficult for others.  They delivered letters and cards from the “Thinking Of You Box,” to the Karen Ann Quinlan Home for Hospice with the hopes that their small gesture will bring smiles and let everyone know that even though they can’t be there with us, they are thinking of us everyday.

Kittatinny Softball Team Members include:


Head Coach Heather Mate

Junior Meg DePalma

Sophomore Emma Fischer

Freshman Gia Checo-Gonzalez
Asst.Coach Jodie Chadwick

Junior Jolie Laukaitis

Sophomore Alaina Fusco-Gallagher

Freshman Gina Kropp

JV Coach Jeanette Spooner

Junior Ella Schoelier

Sophomore Kierra Hubmaster

Freshman Gwen Lightcap

Senior Abby Martin

Junior Taylor Trimper

Sophomore Mackenzie Shea

Freshman Amber Seames

Senor Abby Roggenkamp

Junior Reese Vanderhoof

Sophomore Emily Wohlleber

Freshman Amanda Chadwick

Senior Ashley Romano

Junior Tara White

Sophomore Clara Ammacher

Freshman Taylor Current
Senior Renee Slobodzian

Perona Farms provides meals for Home for Hospice Staff

Yesterday the entire staff of the Karen Ann Quinlan Home for Hospice was provided meals by our friends at Perona Farms.  This is in keeping with the decades long tradition of the Avondoglio family’s deep commitment and support of our community and our nonprofits.   For generations the Avondoglio family has been a standard bearer, setting the bar for local philanthropy.

In a delicious irony the meals will be prepared in the Mark Avondoglio, Janice Stevens, Perona Farms Dietary room at the Home for Hospice.  Mark and Janice generously purchased the naming rights to this important part of the Home in 2019.  Janice is a valuable member of the Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice’s Governing Board.


Julia Quinlan
Chief Executive Officer
Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice

What Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is doing during the COVID-19 Pandemic

This is such a difficult time for everyone in the community, especially those in the field of health care. Our mission at Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice, since its beginning, has been to not turn anyone away based on their ability to pay. Though never verbalized but understood is the philosophy that we, as a hospice, accept anyone facing a life-limiting illness, including those with COVID-19.


Hospice care by its very definition is caring for patients and families at the end of life. Providing those entrusted to our care with the dignity, love, and support that all deserve and have a right to, is paramount during one’s final days. As a long-standing, quality health care agency our patient safety standards have always been at high.  That said, and before the government mandated stay-at-home, social distancing and use of personal protection equipment, Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice was executing its emergency plan. The plan has included limiting exposure to patients at the Karen Ann Quinlan Home for Hospice, educating and evaluating patients and families in our in-home program, as well as counseling clients at the Joseph T Quinlan Bereavement Center.


At the Karen Ann Quinlan Home for Hospice, visiting hours are limited for the safety of all patients, visitors and staff.  For this reason, we advise calling ahead.  All visitors are screened prior to entry and are required to complete and sign a questionnaire regarding their exposure and have their temperatures taken. We have asked visitors who have any type of respiratory illness to reconsider visits.  Families are encouraged to use technology to keep in touch with their loved ones. People understand this and the support from families has been tremendous. The staff at the Home for Hospice follow Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines regarding temperature charting, enhanced use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), strict social distancing, and stay-at-home procedures when not at work.


The Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center has continued to counsel those in grief due to the loss of a loved one by holding individual counseling sessions via phone and face-to-face, with video conferencing. Counselors have successfully launched group support meetings via video conferencing that are secure and HIPAA compliant. The complete schedule of group support meetings can be found on our website at The Bereavement Center can also be reached by calling (973)-948-2283 to schedule individual counseling.


At our Administration headquarters only essential personnel report to the office, again limiting exposure to keep our staff healthy and safe. There are daily video conferencing meetings to stay up to date with our patients’ needs. Our medical and support staff, nurses, aides, social workers and chaplains continue their work in the field, caring for patients in their homes while strictly adhering to CDC guidelines.


Our community education and outreach programs are being held via livestream video conferencing and there is a virtual “How to Prepare your Advance Directive” using the Five Wishes workbook planned on April 16, National Health Care Decisions Day.  During these uncertain times, the need to have your healthcare wishes known by your family and doctors, cannot be overstated, especially if you become unable to speak for yourself.  Information on registering for the workshop, which includes a FREE copy of the “Five Wishes,” workbook (value $5) is available on our website or by calling (973)-383-0115.


Although there’s an element of fear in contracting the coronavirus, it is with education and strict adherence to the CDC guidelines that we continue our mission to care for our patients and families.  If you know of someone facing a life-limiting illness, please reach out to Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice to see how we can help. We have served the community for 40-years and we are poised to continue serving through this pandemic and for many years to come.

How to Talk to Your Children About COVID-19

How to Talk to Your Children About COVID-19

Starting the Conversation:

If you have not talked to your children about COVID-19 yet, now is the time to do so. Given how global this pandemic has gotten, it is likely that they have some knowledge already about the virus. The first step in talking to your children is asking them what they already know and what they have heard about the virus. Then, ask them how they are feeling and if they have any questions. It is important to answer these questions with basic information and not too much detail. Let their questions guide the conversation and don’t try to cover everything in one conversation. Keep the door open for them to ask questions as they think of them.

Handling Misinformation/Misinterpretation:

It is hard for children, and even adults, to fully understand the medical side of the illness. Children may have received misinformation (they were told incorrect information) or have misconceptions (they were told correct information but have interpreted it incorrectly.) To identify these, when asking your children what they have learned to be sure to ask your children to explain what it means. This will help you determine what they truly understand and what additional information they may need. 

Handling Fear:

Avoid using fear to get your children to follow your recommendations. This will only cause more anxiety. Also, be cautious of using examples in the past or trying to reassure them that this situation could be worse. This will likely make them think it will get worse. Be sure to ask your children’s fears and skepticism’s, children often have different fears and worries than adults. You can’t reassure your children if you do not know what they are afraid of. Otherwise, you are not reassuring them, but telling them why you aren’t worried. 

Be Honest:

Do not pretend that everything is okay. Children can pick up when adults are not genuine and honest. Be sure to provide appropriate assurance but don’t provide false reassurance. Rather than telling them to “Don’t be worried,” instead, help them learn to deal with the uncertainty and fear. 

Tell them What’s Being Done to Keep Them Safe:

This lockdown and the inability to participate in their old activities can be very stressful on children. I addition if they see their friends not following social distancing rules they may become jealous or see it as unfair and ask questions. It is important to stand firm in your rules and tell them why it is important.

Here are a few expert suggestions on what to say:
  • “We know that this is something that people can catch but we also know how to help keep ourselves as safe as possible.”
  • “We don’t know everything about this virus, but we’re learning more all the time.”
  • “We are making sure we wash our hands well.”
  • “We know it’s always good to cover our mouth when we cough or sneeze.”

Establish a Routine:

Establish a routine to restore a sense of predictability. For children on the autism spectrum, this is particularly important, as well as children who were anxious or depressed before this pandemic. Reach out to your mental health/pediatric health providers for advice and assistance. 

Dealing with distress:

  • Healthy Distractions: Reading, new or old hobbies, puzzles, board games. 
  • Creative Outlets: Writing, art, blogging or music can help express feelings. 
  • Physical Activities: Daily walks, exercise, yoga or even learning dances on TikTok!
  • Relaxation Activities: Meditation, mindfulness, guided imagery

Remember to take care of yourself:

As adults we will likely have concerns about our health and those of family/friends, don’t feel the need to only focus on your children’s. When children are highly stressed they may become more demanding, regress socially with their friends and peers, act less mature, etc this is because they are overwhelmed with their concerns and have to cope with that before thinking of others. Adults may act this way as well. While the crisis brings out the best in people, it can also bring out a lot of stress, and we likely won’t be at our best all the time. It is important to remember to be patient with children, other adults, and yourself. 

For more information visit:



40th Anniversary GALA rescheduled to December 19th

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice Friends and Supporters


As the COVID-19 situation evolves, Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice, in an abundance of caution, has postponed our 40th Anniversary GALA originally scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2020 until Saturday, December 19, 2020. We look forward to celebrating 40 years of serving our community, paying special tribute to Julia Quinlan our Co-Founder and CEO, with you all at Perona Farms. You will receive updated information regarding sponsorship packages and advertising deadlines via mail and email. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jennifer Smith, Special Events Manager at 973-383-0115 ext. 106 or John Quinlan at 973-670-6324.

We appreciate your understanding and continued support.



40th Anniversary Gala Committee

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice – Serving our community during this crisis: update 3.18.20

Update 3.18.20

The Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is working closely with local, state and federal agencies to respond to potential cases of novel Corona Virus or COVID-19.   As you are aware, cases of COVID -19, the disease caused by this coronavirus, have occurred in growing numbers both globally and in the USA.  The situation is evolving, but what we do know is that reducing the spread of this virus and reducing the risk to our employees, volunteers, patients, families and community members is our utmost priority.

We have implemented our Emergency Operations Plan, effective March 12, 2020.

The Karen Ann Quinlan Home for Hospice will continue with its operations, as usual, adhering to CDC guidelines for infection control and visitation.  Direct fieldwork staff will be working remotely and visiting patients to and from their own homes.  The Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center will be closed to in-person sessions and groups meetings, effective March 16, 2020.

Our offices and Karen Ann Quinlan Home for Hospice remain open, with social distancing and revised visitation protocols put into place, per local, state and federal mandates.

Necessary meetings and trainings will be held by telephone conferencing.   Elevated sanitizing procedures have been implemented.

Providing care to our patients and families will continue, as it has for the past 40 years.  These emergency preemptive measures will stay in place as long as deemed necessary.

The Karen Ann Quinlan Memorial Foundation Board of Directors, staff and volunteers maintain our continued commitment to our mission and the people we are privileged to serve.



Marlina Schetting, MSW, LCSW, CT
Chief Operating Officer
Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice

Effective 3/16/20 – In-Office Counseling & Group Session Suspended at JTQBC

In an preemptive effort to limit the exposure of our clients and staff to the possible spread of the COVID-19, coronavirus, all in-office individual counseling sessions and support group meetings normally held at the Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center have been temporarily suspended.

You are not alone and our counselors are available to counsel with you via telephone. They are working now to re-schedule/schedule your session via phone, instead of an office visit.

Please call our main number 973-948-2283 if you have any questions or immediate needs. If we are counseling another client your call will be returned ASAP. Please be sure to leave a message with your name, phone number, and indicate which counselor you would like to return your call.

You may also contact us via email with our concerns using the contact us form below. Thank you for your understanding of these preemptive measures as we strive you keep our clients, staff and the community safe.


Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice – COVID-19 Protocol

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is implementing agency wide protocol as advised by the Center for Disease Control and the County of Sussex Department of Health and Human Services. We are taking these precautions to protect our patients, their families, our staff and others in the community from contracting and/or spreading COVID-19.


At the Karen Ann Quinlan Home for Hospice we require all incoming visitors to reconsider their visit if they are experiencing even mild symptoms of the virus. All common areas at the facility are restricted.


ALL visitors to the Home for Hospice, the Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center and our administrative office, including employees, and board members are required to complete a brief questionnaire regarding their exposure to COVID-19 and or symptoms. ALL visitors may also be subject to further screening, including a temperature scan and may be required to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as facemasks.


All in-home hospice patients and their families are required to complete and sign the questionnaire. For hospice patients that reside in assisted living or nursing homes Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice will continue all services and is in working in complete cooperation with the protocols established by those facilities under the protocols established by the CDC.


All Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice staff is following the appropriate CDC guidelines for Transmission Based Precautions, and using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) properly.



  1. Have you engaged in international travel within the last 14 days to countries with sustained community transmission. (China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong) __YES  __NO


  1. Do you have any signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as a fever, cough, and sore throat. __YES  __NO


  1. In the last 14 days, have you had contact with someone with or under investigation for COVID19, or are ill with respiratory illness. __YES  __NO


4. Do you reside in a community where community-based spread of COVID-19 is occurring. __YES  __NO

Social Work Month 2020

The official theme for Social Work Month in March 2020 is “Social Workers: Generations Strong.”


Celebrated each March, National Professional Social Work Month is an opportunity for social workers across the country to turn the spotlight on the profession and highlight the important contributions they make to society.


Our nation’s almost 700,000 social workers have amazing tenacity and talent.


They confront some of the most challenging issues facing individuals, families, communities and society and forge solutions that help people reach their full potential and make our nation a better place to live.

In hospice care, the social worker is an important member of the team. Their insights, support, and recommendations can vastly improve the experience of the patient and his or her family.

The Role of a Social Worker

Medical social workers are experts in evaluating the well-being and emotional status of individuals in the health care system and their families. They are also trained in a variety of techniques to help manage emotional distress, provide resources, and support the wishes of the patient. Some social workers have training in stress management techniques and can help patients and family members express and cope with their emotions.

How Social Workers Help With End-of-Life Care

Social workers have in-depth knowledge and expertise in working with ethnic, cultural, and economic diversity; family and support networks; multidimensional symptom management; bereavement; interdisciplinary practice; interventions across the life cycle; and navigating health care systems. They are concerned with enhancing the quality of life and promoting well-being for patients, families, and caregivers.

We celebrate the contributions of all social workers during National Social Work Month in March.

McCracken Appointed to the Memorial Governing Board

Julia Quinlan, Co-Founder and CEO of Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert E. McCracken to the Memorial Governing Board. Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is celebrating 40 years of serving the community. McCracken has been a long-time supporter of the organization and has worked to further the hospice mission to provide a full continuum of high quality medical, emotional and spiritual services to hospice patients, their family members and the community.

Robert E. McCracken, Manager of Smith-McCracken & Wood Funeral Homes, is dedicated to volunteering his time, energy and spirit in service to the community.

Bob grew up in Sussex County, where he graduated from Newton High School, then did a post-graduate year at Blair Academy in nearby Warren County. He graduated with honors from the University of Florida and later graduated cum laude from the American-McAllister Institute of Funeral Services in New York City.

He serves on the Board of Directors of Atlantic Health Systems, is the former Advisory Board Chair at Newton Medical Center, and is one of thirty-one former chairpersons of the Newton Memorial Hospital Board of Directors during its eighty years of being independent.  Bob is also a member of the Board of Directors at Lakeland Bank, a Board Member of the 200 Club of Sussex County, a member and past chair of the Sussex County Chamber of Commerce, a member of Branchville Businessmen’s Club, a member of the Newton Chamber of Commerce, a member of Newton Rotary and a member of Newton Country Club.

Professionally, Bob is a member of Tri-County Funeral Directors Association, the New Jersey State Funeral Directors Association and the National Funeral Directors Association.

Bob is supportive of various non-profit community organizations and fundraisers, including Newton Medical Center’s C. Edward McCracken Festival of Lights and Karen Ann Quinlan’s Butterfly Release.

He and his wife, Deborah, have twin sons, Ryan and Kyle.

Bob’s dedication to enhancing the quality of life for our community has been his passion and focus as both a businessman and a volunteer.

LaCouture named to Karen Ann Quinlan Memorial Board

Julia Quinlan, Co-Founder and CEO at Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is pleased to announce the appointment of Jamie LaCouture to the Karen Ann Quinlan Memorial Board. Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is a not-for-profit organization which provides a full continuum of high quality medical, emotional and spiritual services to hospice patients, their family members and the community.

Jamie is the Community Relations and Tradeshow Supervisor at Thorlabs where she oversees charitable giving, volunteerism, domestic tradeshows, and a variety of internal projects. She coordinates participation in events such as local athletic events, trail clean-ups, mentoring local students, and a variety of other fundraisers. Jamie seeks to drive employee engagement by connecting employees with causes they are passionate about and are willing to contribute to. Additionally, she works with her international counterparts to ensure that the company’s products are adequately represented and displayed at all tradeshows within the United States.

Jamie sees to the needs of the community regularly. She deliberately leverages her connections at Thorlabs to help focus on integrating academics, youth development, community engagement, and social services into the Newton area as well as surrounding townships, a vision-driven from Thorlabs’ owner and founder, Alex Cable.

As a lifelong resident of Sussex County, Jamie is honored to serve with many local nonprofits in the community. Her interests include efforts directed at humanity, animal welfare, and education. She sits on the Foundation Board at Sussex County Community College and is also a trustee of the SCARC Foundation and the Center for Prevention and Counseling.

Jamie holds a Master’s Degree in Management, Strategy, and Leadership from Michigan State University as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Communication Studies from Fairleigh Dickinson University. In her free time, she loves gardening, drawing, painting, hiking, and spending time with her family and pets.

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice Reaches Highest Level of National Program to Provide Veteran-Centric Hospice Care

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice delivers Veteran-centric care to our Community

(NEWTON – NJ) – Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is proud to announce it is now a Level 5 Partner with We Honor Veterans, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. Level 5 is the highest level WHV partners can attain and includes several new required activities and yearly recertification.


As a partner, Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is providing specialized care to Veterans who are facing a life-limiting illness. Aside from existing partner requirements, Level 5 partners place a greater emphasis on staff education and caring for Vietnam-era and combat Veterans. Additionally, Level 5 partners take on the role of regional mentor to other WHV partners working to enhance their programs.


“When we set out to create the Level 5 program we knew that it had to be different to truly showcase the efforts needed to go above and beyond. Not only have you demonstrated your commitment, but you have helped shape the program and have continued as an example of what all hospice partners should strive to be,” said NHPCO President & CEO Edo Banach.


NHPCO and the Department of Veterans Affairs launched We Honor Veterans in 2010 to address the growing need for Veteran-centered care, especially as Veterans are aging and need access to palliative and hospice care.


Learn more about the We Honor Veterans program at To learn more about the program at Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice please contact Jacqui Gieske, “We Honor Veterans” committee coordinator at 973-383-0115 ext. 126.

Five Ways Hospice Can Help

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice – Let us help.

The vast majority of Americans say what they want at the end of life is to die in their own homes, as comfortable and pain-free as possible. The hospice philosophy is about making sure that a patient’s death experience reflects their wishes. Here are five ways that Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice helps to deliver this:


We give you comfort. The staff at Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice are experts at managing life- limiting illness. Our team ensures that medication, therapies and treatments all support a care plan that is centered on the patient’s goals. And our services can be offered wherever the patient calls home, allowing friends and family to visit freely—something they might not be able to do in a hospital ICU setting.

Hospice gives you peace. Beyond physical relief, Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice strives to help patients and families find emotional and spiritual comfort during what is often a very traumatic time. We are able to provide families with counselors, therapists, spiritual care advisors and bereavement professionals who can best support their struggles with death and grieving. These services are part of the hospice benefit, covered by Medicare, Medicaid or most private insurances


Hospice gives you something extra. Hospice is not only about compassionate medical care and control of pain. Art and music therapists inspire joy; pet therapy and massages are offered in addition to many other programs.


Hospice gives caregivers guidance. Most families are not prepared to face the death of a loved one. In addition to caring for patients, Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice also offers services for families and loved ones that provide emotional support and advice to help family members become confident caregivers and adjust to the future with grief  support for up to a year.


Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice gives you more. Be it more joy, more love, or more quality of life in general, the goal of Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice is to offer patients the ability to enjoy the time they have remaining, and create meaningful memories for their families. We offer more moments of life.

Hospice to host Dealer Appreciation Event on 11/29

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice invites the community to Dealer Appreciation Night at Subaru World of Newton. The event will be held on Friday, November 29 between 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. during the dealerships annual Black Friday Car Sales Event.


Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice will provide light refreshment and will be on hand to spread the word about the great work being done by Hospice because of the generous support of Subaru World of Newton. For five years Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice has been the recipient of the Subaru Share the Love campaign. For every new Subaru vehicle purchased or leased from November 14, through January 2, 2020, the purchaser/lessee can choose the local “Hometown Charity”, Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice, as the recipient of a $250 donation from Subaru.

“We welcome this opportunity to meet with and talk to the community about the great work being done by Subaru World of Newton and Subaru Corporate,” said John Quinlan, Director of Foundation at Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice.  “Subaru has donated over eighty thousand dollars via the Share the Love campaign, which goes directly towards patient care to those in our community.”


“Stop in for great discounts and incentives during the annual Black Friday Car Sales Event – Dealer Appreciation Night,” said Brooke Canty, Business Development Manager for World Auto Group.  “If anyone has been putting off purchasing a new vehicle the Share the Love campaign is the perfect time to get a quality all-wheel drive vehicle while supporting a local non-profit organization.”


Subaru World of Newton will also hold several buyer incentives on the 29th including the first 25 people will receive $500 towards the purchase of a new vehicle and applicable participants may also be eligible for a FREE 50″ television with the purchase of a new vehicle.


For more information please contact the dealership directly at 973-579-5000.