Thank you for your support of our programs and events!

Click on the video above to view the 2020 Butterfly Release Ceremony video on YouTube!
Butterfly Release Celebration
Click Here to join the ZOOM Butterfly Celebration
Warren County
Saturday at 11 a.m.
Meeting ID: 886 5982 9761
Meeting Password: Butterfly
Click Here to join the ZOOM Butterfly Celebration
Pike County
Saturday at 4:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 886 5982 9761
Meeting Password: Butterfly
Click Here to join the ZOOM Butterfly Celebration
Sussex County
Sunday at 2:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 886 5982 9761
Meeting Password: Butterfly
It is a tremendous honor to be part of the Virtual KAQ Hospice Butterfly Release Pre-recorded for June 13th and 14th, 2020 providing a unique opportunity singing my original song, “Thank you for Your Heart of Gold.” It has been a privilege to meet the extraordinary people who work and volunteer for KAQ Hospice. I send a heartfelt thank you to Jennifer Smith, and Hospice staff and volunteers who have worked directly with me and our volunteers from Memorial School’s Karen Nash Memorial Butterfly Garden. Thank you for coordinating this annual Butterfly Release event that provides a memorable moment to remember loved ones and family and a chance to show appreciation to others. We look forward to the event returning to the KNMBG Butterfly Garden in the future.
We appreciate your compassion and the very important work you do and the ways in which you help people bringing comfort to families and friends.
With Warmest Regards,
Always your friend,
Diana Dove; Founder of the Karen Nash Memorial Butterfly Garden