Brian’s Williamson, a martial arts instructor with Hudson Valley HaganaH, was alerted that his lucky ticket #731 was drawn on December 31st and he would start of 2019 with a prize of $9,097.50 from the year-long 50/50 presented by the Friends of Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice.
“It felt like a blessing from Dad,” stated Suzanne Williamson, Brian’s wife. Suzanne is a special education teacher in Hamburg. Suzanne’s father, Mr. James Zylstra was a patient at the award-winning Home for Hospice two years ago.
The Williamson’s, who reside in Milford, PA are both retired from the New Jersey Army National Guard shared their warm sentiment about the care extended to Susan’s father and their family during his days at the Home for Hospice.
They have no specific plans on how to spend the money, but are grateful to have won.