10:00 am - 11:00 am
The United Way Caregivers Coalition hopes you will be able to join them for the next virtual Munch & Learn program on Tuesday, November 8 at 10:00am. The presentation will be on “Anticipatory Grief and its Role in Caregiving” Presented by Rob Rosolanko, MSW, MBA, LSW, Director of Bereavement with Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice.
Anticipatory grief means entering the grieving process before loss. This can be especially difficult for primary caregivers. This type of grief isn’t just processing losing a person. Caregivers may also grieve the loss of other aspects of their lives, changes in lifestyle, purpose and meaning. Learning how anticipatory grief works, the signs and symptoms, and how to process related emotions are important for ongoing self-care.
In order to attend this Zoom virtual meeting, you need to register. Simply click on this registration link and you will be able to sign up: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAocuigrjMtGdBE6TAKF3MrAlWxJrEu23jI
This presentation will be done via Zoom which is a very simple app that can be downloaded onto your laptop, phone, iPad or other smart device quickly and for free. For those of you who are new to this technology, here is a link for a Zoom tutorial that you can click on to learn how it works, https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video-Tutorials
You will need the information contained in the registration confirmation email to sign in on Tuesday, November 8. We suggest that you sign into the meeting five minutes early. You will be placed in the waiting room and the host will let you in at 10:00am.