Bereavement Awareness And
Support Community
The Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center is promoting a grief awareness and support campaign. As a community leader in grief and bereavement, our agency is launching the BAASC initiative. This initiative aims to facilitate a dialog surrounding the topics of grief and bereavement resources. We are seeking to connect with all potential grief and loss “first responders,” both professional and nonprofessional to develop an on-going community of collaboration and mutual support to promote the well-being of children and adults within our community.
The BAASC initiative aims to endow community members and professionals with the agency’s specialized experience and knowledge for use during grief and bereavement support provision. The Joseph T. Quinlan Bereavement Center will create a network of community members, interdisciplinary professionals and organizations to promote a network of bereavement awareness, resources and support.
This will be done through Grief A.S.K. (Awareness, Support and Knowledge) supports, Guidance and Psychoeducational Sheets (G.P.S.) and the Healing Our Community (HOC) Bereavement Training Series to increase trainings and resources, specifically for non-professional community members.
Please call our bereavement center to speak with agency staff (973-948-2283) with any questions you have regarding the BAASC initiative or to inquire about our supports, resources and training opportunities.
GRIEF A.S.K. Informational Services
GRIEF A.S.K. informational services are available to professionals and community members. Our agency aims to serve as a resource to our community and is available to provide direction or information regarding grief, bereavement and related supports. These informational supports are accessible via telephone or e-mail and provide brief advice and direction without the need for a formal service appointment. Psycho-educational material and information regarding local community and online resources will be provided as needed.
Grief A.S.K E-mail Contact Links
For Community Members:
For Professionals: